In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns
from collections import Counter

import plotly as py

#import colorlover as cl

from IPython.display import HTML, display

In [2]:

In [3]:
    "GunControl": "Gun Control",
    "Privacy": "Privacy",
    "Vaccine": "Vaccine",
    "ChildEducation": "Child Education",
    "SkinDamage": "Skin Damage",
    "SeatBelt": "Seat Belt"
topic_order=["Gun Control", "Privacy", "Vaccine",
             "Child Education", "Skin Damage", "Seat Belt"]
df = pd.read_hdf("FINAL_ANALYSIS_DATA.h5", "final_data").rename(columns={
        #u'is_controvertial': u'is_controversial'
    topic_name=lambda x: x.topic_name.apply(lambda k: TOPIC_MAPPING[k.split('/')[0]]),
NON_STATES = set(["UNK", "USA", "AS", "DC", "GU",
              "MP", "PR", "VI"])

In [4]:

Index([          u'Author',       u'City/Urban',  u'City/Urban Area',
               u'Contents',             u'Date',        u'Followers',
              u'Following',             u'GUID',           u'Gender',
                   u'Name',            u'Posts',              u'RT?',
           u'State/Region',              u'URL',             u'URL?',
              u'adjective',           u'adverb',      u'count_tweet',
               u'hashtag?',         u'mention?',         u'negation',
                   u'noun',      u'preposition',    u'processedPost',
              u'sentiment',   u'sentiment_subj', u'subjectvity_type',
                   u't_id',       u'topic_name',             u'verb',
              u't_created',       u't_retweets',      u't_favorites',
             u't_is_reply',       u't_is_quote',     u't_n_hashtags',
               u't_n_urls',     u't_n_mentions',        u't_n_media',
                   u'u_id',        u'u_created',       u'u_n_listed',
          u'u_n_favorites',    u'u_n_followers',      u'u_n_friends',
           u'u_n_statuses',    u'u_is_verified',       u'u_location',
                 u'u_name',            u'u_url', u'is_controversial',
                    u'TID',             u'CATS',          u'u_state'],

In [5]:
    lambda x: Counter(['UNK']) 
    if x == 0 
    else Counter(x)
).apply(lambda x: len(x)).describe()

count    246869.000000
mean          1.139163
std           0.356983
min           1.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           1.000000
75%           1.000000
max           5.000000
Name: CATS, dtype: float64

In [6]:
df["CATS_Counter"] = df.CATS.fillna(0).apply(
    lambda x: Counter(['NONE']) 
    if x == 0 
    else Counter(x)
df.ix[df.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda x: len(x)) == 2, "CATS_Counter"].head()

/home/content/anaconda3/envs/python2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ DeprecationWarning:

.ix is deprecated. Please use
.loc for label based indexing or
.iloc for positional indexing

See the documentation here:

23     {u'socialmedia': 1, u'videos': 1}
29    {u'twitter': 1, u'socialmedia': 1}
38     {u'socialmedia': 1, u'videos': 1}
53     {u'socialmedia': 1, u'videos': 1}
54    {u'twitter': 1, u'socialmedia': 1}
Name: CATS_Counter, dtype: object

Plotly plot

In [7]:
def get_string(x, cols):
    return "<br>".join("%s: %s" % (k.title(), x[k])
                       for k in cols)

In [8]:
scl = [[0.0, 'rgb(242,240,247)'],[0.2, 'rgb(218,218,235)'],[0.4, 'rgb(188,189,220)'],\
            [0.6, 'rgb(158,154,200)'],[0.8, 'rgb(117,107,177)'],[1.0, 'rgb(84,39,143)']]

In [9]:
df[df.u_state != "USA"].groupby("u_state")["is_controversial"].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()

u_state mean len std
0 AK 0.618557 291 0.486578
1 AL 0.587302 1449 0.492489
2 AR 0.634062 869 0.481970
3 AS 0.300000 10 0.483046
4 AZ 0.573411 3242 0.494658
5 CA 0.654161 22123 0.475652
6 CO 0.617085 2669 0.486189
7 CT 0.594237 1284 0.491230
8 DC 0.822330 5150 0.382272
9 DE 0.543796 274 0.498990
10 FL 0.599461 8913 0.490035
11 GA 0.549006 4377 0.497649
12 GU 0.000000 5 0.000000
13 HI 0.555777 502 0.497375
14 IA 0.562099 934 0.496395
15 ID 0.611529 399 0.488015
16 IL 0.567998 5331 0.495401
17 IN 0.526071 3222 0.499397
18 KS 0.394879 1484 0.488989
19 KY 0.572368 1368 0.494916
20 LA 0.468478 1951 0.499133
21 MA 0.632763 3913 0.482114
22 MD 0.556561 2431 0.496893
23 ME 0.650817 673 0.477066
24 MI 0.574339 3141 0.494522
25 MN 0.572537 1675 0.494858
26 MO 0.564935 2002 0.495889
27 MP 1.000000 2 0.000000
28 MS 0.567430 786 0.495748
29 MT 0.674740 289 0.469284
30 NC 0.612668 3568 0.487209
31 ND 0.456250 160 0.499646
32 NE 0.458272 683 0.498621
33 NH 0.682051 585 0.466078
34 NJ 0.589065 3402 0.492076
35 NM 0.636574 432 0.481544
36 NV 0.588895 1693 0.492180
37 NY 0.656886 14689 0.474765
38 OH 0.580961 4601 0.493455
39 OK 0.555787 1443 0.497050
40 OR 0.651773 2171 0.476518
41 PA 0.606705 4653 0.488534
42 PR 0.625000 24 0.494535
43 RI 0.600000 455 0.490437
44 SC 0.573099 1539 0.494788
45 SD 0.405063 237 0.491943
46 TN 0.514493 2622 0.499885
47 TX 0.569604 11666 0.495153
48 UT 0.482531 1059 0.499931
49 VA 0.639094 3796 0.480327
50 VI 0.000000 5 0.000000
51 VT 0.715827 278 0.451833
52 WA 0.701355 5093 0.457709
53 WI 0.624379 1813 0.484416
54 WV 0.556923 325 0.497515
55 WY 0.606936 173 0.489849

In [10]:
def get_string(x):
    return "<br>".join("%s: %s" % (k.title(), x[k])
                       for k in x.index)

def plot_map(df, location_col, value_col, text_cols,
            scl="Portland", title="", cbar_title=""):
    data = [ dict(
            colorscale = scl,
            autocolorscale = False,
            locations = df[location_col],
            z = df[value_col].astype(float),
            locationmode = 'USA-states',
            text = df[text_cols].apply(get_string, axis=1),
            marker = dict(
                line = dict (
                    color = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                    width = 2
                ) ),
            colorbar = dict(
                title = cbar_title)
            ) ]

    layout = dict(
            title = '%s<br>(Hover for details)' % title,
            geo = dict(
                projection=dict( type='albers usa' ),
                showlakes = False),
    fig = dict( data=data, layout=layout )
    py.offline.iplot(fig, filename='d3-cloropleth-map')

In [11]:
scl = [[0.0, 'rgb(242,240,247)'],[0.2, 'rgb(218,218,235)'],[0.4, 'rgb(188,189,220)'],\
            [0.6, 'rgb(158,154,200)'],[0.8, 'rgb(117,107,177)'],[1.0, 'rgb(84,39,143)']]

df_t = df[df.u_state != "USA"].groupby("u_state")["is_controversial"].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()

         "u_state", "mean", ["u_state","len", "std"], scl='Portland',
         title="Proportion of controversial tweets per state",

In [12]:
df_t = df.assign(
    fakenews=df.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda x: x.get('fakenews', 0))
)[["u_state", "fakenews"]].groupby("u_state")["fakenews"].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()

         "u_state", "mean", ["u_state","len", "std"], scl='Portland',
         title="Proportion of fakenews urls per state",

In [13]:
for url_type in ["fakenews", "news", "blog"]:
    df_t = df[(df.u_state != "USA")
        & (df.t_n_urls > 0)].assign(**{
        url_type: lambda x: x.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda k: k.get(url_type, 0))}
    )[["u_state", url_type]].groupby("u_state")[url_type].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()

            #(df_t["len"] > (df_t["len"].sum() * 0.01))
            (df_t["len"] >= (df_t["len"].sort_values().values[-10])) 
            & (~df_t["u_state"].isin(NON_STATES))
             "u_state", "mean", ["u_state","len", "std"], scl='Portland',
             title="Proportion of %s urls (in tweets with URLs) per state" % url_type.title(),

Split by topics

In [14]:

Privacy            73593
Seat Belt          73270
Vaccine            40713
Gun Control        34357
Skin Damage        14128
Child Education    10808
Name: topic_name, dtype: int64

Fake News Maps

In [15]:
scl = [[0.0, 'rgb(242,240,247)'],[0.2, 'rgb(218,218,235)'],[0.4, 'rgb(188,189,220)'],\
            [0.6, 'rgb(158,154,200)'],[0.8, 'rgb(117,107,177)'],[1.0, 'rgb(84,39,143)']]
url_type = "fakenews"
for topic in topic_order:
    df_t = df[(df.u_state != "USA") 
              & (df.t_n_urls > 0)
              & (df.topic_name == topic)
    fakenews=lambda x: x.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda k: k.get(url_type, 0))
    )[["u_state", url_type]].groupby("u_state")[url_type].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()
    df_t["value_rank"] = df_t["mean"].rank(ascending=False)
            #(df_t["len"] > (df_t["len"].sum() * 0.01))
            (df_t["len"] >= (df_t["len"].sort_values().values[-10]))
            & (~df_t["u_state"].isin(NON_STATES))
         "u_state", "mean", ["u_state", "value_rank", "mean","len", "std"], scl="Portland",

Blog Maps

In [16]:
scl = [[0.0, 'rgb(242,240,247)'],[0.2, 'rgb(218,218,235)'],[0.4, 'rgb(188,189,220)'],\
            [0.6, 'rgb(158,154,200)'],[0.8, 'rgb(117,107,177)'],[1.0, 'rgb(84,39,143)']]
url_type = "blog"
for topic in topic_order:
    df_t = df[(df.u_state != "USA") 
              & (df.t_n_urls > 0)
              & (df.topic_name == topic)
    url_type: lambda x: x.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda k: k.get(url_type, 0))
    })[["u_state", url_type]].groupby("u_state")[url_type].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()
    df_t["value_rank"] = df_t["mean"].rank(ascending=False)
            #(df_t["len"] > (df_t["len"].sum() * 0.01))
            (df_t["len"] >= (df_t["len"].sort_values().values[-10]))
            & (~df_t["u_state"].isin(NON_STATES))
         "u_state", "mean", ["u_state", "value_rank", "mean","len", "std"], scl="Portland",

News Maps

In [17]:
scl = [[0.0, 'rgb(242,240,247)'],[0.2, 'rgb(218,218,235)'],[0.4, 'rgb(188,189,220)'],\
            [0.6, 'rgb(158,154,200)'],[0.8, 'rgb(117,107,177)'],[1.0, 'rgb(84,39,143)']]
url_type = "news"
for topic in topic_order:
    df_t = df[(df.u_state != "USA") 
              & (df.t_n_urls > 0)
              & (df.topic_name == topic)
    url_type: lambda x: x.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda k: k.get(url_type, 0))
    })[["u_state", url_type]].groupby("u_state")[url_type].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()
    df_t["value_rank"] = df_t["mean"].rank(ascending=False)
            #(df_t["len"] > (df_t["len"].sum() * 0.01))
            (df_t["len"] >= (df_t["len"].sort_values().values[-10]))
            & (~df_t["u_state"].isin(NON_STATES))
         "u_state", "mean", ["u_state", "value_rank", "mean","len", "std"], scl="Portland",

In [18]:
def plot_map_subplots(df, geo_key, topic, location_col, value_col, text_cols,
            scl="Portland", cbar_title=""):
    data = [dict(
            colorscale = scl,
            autocolorscale = False,
            showscale = False,
            locations = df[location_col],
            z = df[value_col].astype(float),
            locationmode = 'USA-states',
            text = df[text_cols].apply(get_string, axis=1),
            marker = dict(
                line = dict (
                    color = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                    width = 2
                ) ),
            #colorbar = dict(
            #    title = cbar_title)
                type = 'scattergeo',
                showlegend = False,
                lon = [-82],
                lat = [50],
                geo = geo_key,
                text = [topic],
                mode = 'text',
    layout = dict(
                projection=dict( type='albers usa' ),
                showlakes = False,
        domain=dict(x=[], y=[])
    return data, layout

In [19]:
data = []
COLS = 3
ROWS = 2

layout = dict(
    title = '%s URL proportions per state' % url_type.title(),
    # showlegend = False,
    autosize = False,
    width = 900,
    height = 400,
    hovermode = False,)

for i, topic in enumerate(topic_order):
    geo_key="geo%s" % (i+1) if i != 0 else "geo" # Important to index geo with i+1 rather than i
    x = i % COLS
    y = i / COLS
    df_t = df[(df.u_state != "USA") 
              & (df.t_n_urls > 0)
              & (df.topic_name == topic)
    url_type: lambda x: x.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda k: k.get(url_type, 0))}
    )[["u_state", url_type]].groupby("u_state")[url_type].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()
    data_t, layout_t = plot_map_subplots(
        df_t[(df_t["len"] >= (df_t["len"].sort_values().values[-10]))
             & (~df_t["u_state"].isin(NON_STATES))
            ], geo_key, topic,
         "u_state", "mean", ["u_state","len", "std"], scl='Portland',
    layout[geo_key] = layout_t
    layout[geo_key]['domain']['x'] = [float(x)/float(COLS), float(x+1)/float(COLS)]
    layout[geo_key]['domain']['y'] = [float(y)/float(ROWS), float(y+1)/float(ROWS)]
    print geo_key, x, y, layout[geo_key]["domain"]
fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
py.offline.iplot(fig, filename='d3-cloropleth-map')

geo 0 0 {'y': [0.0, 0.5], 'x': [0.0, 0.3333333333333333]}
geo2 1 0 {'y': [0.0, 0.5], 'x': [0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666]}
geo3 2 0 {'y': [0.0, 0.5], 'x': [0.6666666666666666, 1.0]}
geo4 0 1 {'y': [0.5, 1.0], 'x': [0.0, 0.3333333333333333]}
geo5 1 1 {'y': [0.5, 1.0], 'x': [0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666]}
geo6 2 1 {'y': [0.5, 1.0], 'x': [0.6666666666666666, 1.0]}

In [20]:
data = []
COLS = 3
ROWS = 2

layout = dict(
    title = '%s URL proportions per state' % url_type.title(),
    # showlegend = False,
    autosize = False,
    width = 900,
    height = 400,
    hovermode = False,)

for i, topic in enumerate(topic_order):
    geo_key="geo%s" % (i+1) if i != 0 else "geo" # Important to index geo with i+1 rather than i
    x = i % COLS
    y = i / COLS
    df_t = df[(df.u_state != "USA") 
              & (df.t_n_urls > 0)
              & (df.topic_name == topic)
    url_type: lambda x: x.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda k: k.get(url_type, 0))}
    )[["u_state", url_type]].groupby("u_state")[url_type].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()
    data_t, layout_t = plot_map_subplots(
        df_t[(df_t["len"] >= (df_t["len"].sort_values().values[-10]))
             & (~df_t["u_state"].isin(NON_STATES))
            ], geo_key, topic,
         "u_state", "mean", ["u_state","len", "std"], scl='Portland',
    layout[geo_key] = layout_t
    layout[geo_key]['domain']['x'] = [float(x)/float(COLS), float(x+1)/float(COLS)]
    layout[geo_key]['domain']['y'] = [float(y)/float(ROWS), float(y+1)/float(ROWS)]
    print geo_key, x, y, layout[geo_key]["domain"]
fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
py.offline.iplot(fig, filename='d3-cloropleth-map')

geo 0 0 {'y': [0.0, 0.5], 'x': [0.0, 0.3333333333333333]}
geo2 1 0 {'y': [0.0, 0.5], 'x': [0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666]}
geo3 2 0 {'y': [0.0, 0.5], 'x': [0.6666666666666666, 1.0]}
geo4 0 1 {'y': [0.5, 1.0], 'x': [0.0, 0.3333333333333333]}
geo5 1 1 {'y': [0.5, 1.0], 'x': [0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666]}
geo6 2 1 {'y': [0.5, 1.0], 'x': [0.6666666666666666, 1.0]}

In [21]:
data = []
COLS = 3
ROWS = 2

layout = dict(
    title = '%s URL proportions per state' % url_type.title(),
    # showlegend = False,
    autosize = False,
    width = 900,
    height = 400,
    hovermode = False,)

for i, topic in enumerate(topic_order):
    geo_key="geo%s" % (i+1) if i != 0 else "geo" # Important to index geo with i+1 rather than i
    x = i % COLS
    y = i / COLS
    df_t = df[(df.u_state != "USA") 
              & (df.t_n_urls > 0)
              & (df.topic_name == topic)
    url_type: lambda x: x.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda k: k.get(url_type, 0))}
    )[["u_state", url_type]].groupby("u_state")[url_type].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()
    data_t, layout_t = plot_map_subplots(
        df_t[(df_t["len"] >= (df_t["len"].sort_values().values[-10]))
             & (~df_t["u_state"].isin(NON_STATES))
            ], geo_key, topic,
         "u_state", "mean", ["u_state","len", "std"], scl='Portland',
    layout[geo_key] = layout_t
    layout[geo_key]['domain']['x'] = [float(x)/float(COLS), float(x+1)/float(COLS)]
    layout[geo_key]['domain']['y'] = [float(y)/float(ROWS), float(y+1)/float(ROWS)]
    print geo_key, x, y, layout[geo_key]["domain"]
fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
py.offline.iplot(fig, filename='d3-cloropleth-map')

geo 0 0 {'y': [0.0, 0.5], 'x': [0.0, 0.3333333333333333]}
geo2 1 0 {'y': [0.0, 0.5], 'x': [0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666]}
geo3 2 0 {'y': [0.0, 0.5], 'x': [0.6666666666666666, 1.0]}
geo4 0 1 {'y': [0.5, 1.0], 'x': [0.0, 0.3333333333333333]}
geo5 1 1 {'y': [0.5, 1.0], 'x': [0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666]}
geo6 2 1 {'y': [0.5, 1.0], 'x': [0.6666666666666666, 1.0]}

In [22]:
df_topics = {}
for topic in topic_order:
    df_t = df[(df.u_state != "USA") 
              & (df.t_n_urls > 0)
              & (df.topic_name == topic)
    fakenews=lambda x: x.CATS_Counter.apply(lambda k: k.get('fakenews', 0))
    )[["u_state", "fakenews"]].groupby("u_state")["fakenews"].agg([np.mean, len, np.std]).reset_index()
    df_t["value_rank"] = df_t["mean"].rank(ascending=False)
    df_topics[topic] = (df_t[
            (df_t["len"] >= (df_t["len"].sort_values().values[-10]))
            #(df_t["len"] > (df_t["len"].sum() * 0.01)
            lambda x: "%s (%.2f) [%s]" % (
                x["u_state"], x["mean"], x["len"]), axis=1))
pd.concat(df_topics, axis=1, keys=topic_order)

Gun Control Privacy Vaccine Child Education Skin Damage Seat Belt
0 VA (0.18) [330] FL (0.07) [1252] FL (0.15) [745] DC (0.01) [154] IL (0.01) [236] TX (0.01) [759]
1 FL (0.18) [707] IL (0.07) [742] OH (0.14) [413] CA (0.01) [627] OH (0.01) [183] OH (0.01) [257]
2 TX (0.18) [938] DC (0.06) [1846] TX (0.13) [978] IL (0.01) [173] CA (0.00) [871] CA (0.01) [1404]
3 GA (0.13) [339] PA (0.06) [594] GA (0.08) [436] NY (0.00) [402] AZ (0.00) [236] GA (0.01) [356]
4 PA (0.12) [312] TX (0.06) [1526] CA (0.08) [3507] FL (0.00) [258] FL (0.00) [489] FL (0.01) [661]
5 IL (0.12) [421] NY (0.05) [2563] NY (0.08) [1660] GA (0.00) [138] GA (0.00) [275] PA (0.01) [346]
6 DC (0.12) [429] CA (0.05) [3165] PA (0.07) [432] MO (0.00) [127] NY (0.00) [636] NY (0.01) [965]
7 CA (0.11) [1530] VA (0.04) [715] DC (0.06) [385] NJ (0.00) [123] TX (0.00) [451] IL (0.01) [329]
8 NY (0.09) [1154] MA (0.04) [607] MA (0.06) [447] PA (0.00) [142] NC (0.00) [211] WA (0.00) [305]
9 WA (0.06) [394] WA (0.03) [1050] WA (0.06) [736] TX (0.00) [271] PA (0.00) [216] MI (0.00) [258]

In [23]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,5))
with sns.plotting_context(
    rc={"axes.titlesize": 14,
        "axes.labelsize": 14,
        "xtick.labelsize": 12,
        "ytick.labelsize": 14,
       }), sns.axes_style(
    rc={"": "monospace"}):
    g = sns.barplot(y="is_controversial", x="u_state",
               ax=ax, color="0.7")
    ax.axhline(y=0.5, linestyle='--', color="k", lw=1.)
    ax.set_ylabel("Proportion of controversial tweets")
    ax.set_xlabel("US States")
    #ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=10)

/homed/content/anaconda3/envs/python2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning:

findfont: Font family [u'sans-serif'] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans

In [24]:
LOCATION_ORDER = (["UNK", "USA"] + sorted(set(
    ) - NON_STATES)+ sorted(["AS", "DC", "GU",
              "MP", "PR", "VI"]))
colors = ["b"] * 2 + ["r"]*50 +["0.7"]*6
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(16,5))
with sns.plotting_context(
    rc={"axes.titlesize": 14,
        "axes.labelsize": 14,
        "xtick.labelsize": 12,
        "ytick.labelsize": 14,
       }), sns.axes_style(
    rc={"": "monospace"}):
    g = sns.barplot(y="is_controversial", x="u_state",
               ax=ax, color="r", order=LOCATION_ORDER)
    ax.axhline(y=0.5, linestyle='--', color="k", lw=1.)
    ax.set_ylabel("Proportion of controversial tweets")
    ax.set_xlabel("US States")
    #ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=10)
    [ax.patches[i].set_color(c) for i, c in enumerate(colors)]
    plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels()[:3], rotation=90)

In [25]:
LOCATION_ORDER = (["UNK", "USA"] + sorted(set(
    ) - NON_STATES)+ sorted(["AS", "DC", "GU",
              "MP", "PR", "VI"]))
colors = ["b"] * 2 + ["r"]*50 +["k"]*6
total_controversial = df[(df.is_controversial == 1) & (~df.u_state.isin(NON_STATES))].shape[0] * 1.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(16,5))
with sns.plotting_context(
    rc={"axes.titlesize": 14,
        "axes.labelsize": 14,
        "xtick.labelsize": 12,
        "ytick.labelsize": 14,
       }), sns.axes_style(
    rc={"": "monospace"}):
    g = sns.barplot(y="is_controversial", x="u_state",
            (df.is_controversial == 1)
            & (~df.u_state.isin(NON_STATES))
               ax=ax, color="0.5",
                    ci=None, estimator=lambda x: len(x)/total_controversial)
    #ax.axhline(y=0.5, linestyle='--', color="k", lw=1.)
    ax.set_ylabel("Distribution of controversial tweets\nacross states")
    ax.set_xlabel("US States")
    #ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=10)
    #[ax.patches[i].set_color(c) for i, c in enumerate(colors)]
    #plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels()[:3], rotation=90)

In [26]:
df_t = df[(~df.u_state.isin(NON_STATES)) & (~df.u_state.isnull())].pivot_table(
    index="u_state", columns="topic_name", values="t_id", aggfunc=len)
with sns.plotting_context(
    rc={"axes.titlesize": 10,
        "axes.labelsize": 10,
        "xtick.labelsize": 10,
        "ytick.labelsize": 10,
       }), sns.axes_style(
    rc={"": "monospace"}):
    g = sns.PairGrid(df_t.divide(df_t.sum(axis=0), axis=1).reset_index(),
                     x_vars=topic_order, y_vars=["u_state"],
                     size=10, aspect=.25), size=10, orient="h",
          color="k", edgecolor="gray")

    # Use the same x axis limits on all columns and add better labels
    g.set(xlabel="proportion", ylabel="",)

    # Use semantically meaningful titles for the columns
    titles = topic_order

    for ax, title in zip(g.axes.flat, titles):

        # Set a different title for each axes

        # Make the grid horizontal instead of vertical

    sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)

# Draw a dot plot using the stripplot function

In [27]:
LOCATION_ORDER = (["UNK", "USA"] + sorted(set(
    ) - NON_STATES)+ sorted(["AS", "DC", "GU",
              "MP", "PR", "VI"]))
colors = ["b"] * 2 + ["r"]*50 +["0.7"]*6
with sns.plotting_context(
    rc={"axes.titlesize": 14,
        "axes.labelsize": 14,
        "xtick.labelsize": 12,
        "ytick.labelsize": 14,
       }), sns.axes_style(
    rc={"": "monospace"}):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20,5))
    ax = sns.countplot(df.u_state.fillna("UNK"), color='k', ax=ax, 
    ax.set_xlabel('Tweet author location')
    [ax.patches[i].set_color(c) for i, c in enumerate(colors)]

In [28]:
pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(k.reset_index().values, columns=["Location", "Counts"])
    for k in np.array_split(df.u_state.fillna("UNK").value_counts(), 4, axis=0)], axis=1)

Location Counts Location Counts Location Counts Location Counts
0 UNK 77831 NJ 3402 AL 1449 ID 399
1 CA 22123 AZ 3242 OK 1443 WV 325
2 USA 21114 IN 3222 KY 1368 AK 291
3 NY 14689 MI 3141 CT 1284 MT 289
4 TX 11666 CO 2669 UT 1059 VT 278
5 FL 8913 TN 2622 IA 934 DE 274
6 IL 5331 MD 2431 AR 869 SD 237
7 DC 5150 OR 2171 MS 786 WY 173
8 WA 5093 MO 2002 NE 683 ND 160
9 PA 4653 LA 1951 ME 673 PR 24
10 OH 4601 WI 1813 NH 585 AS 10
11 GA 4377 NV 1693 HI 502 GU 5
12 MA 3913 MN 1675 RI 455 VI 5
13 VA 3796 SC 1539 NM 432 MP 2
14 NC 3568 KS 1484 NaN NaN NaN NaN

In [29]:

count     169038
unique        57
top           CA
freq       22123
Name: u_state, dtype: object

In [30]:


In [31]:
df.groupby("u_id")["u_state"].first().shape, df.groupby("u_id")["u_state"].first().describe()

((151073,), count     107970
 unique        57
 top           CA
 freq       13251
 Name: u_state, dtype: object)

In [ ]: